I’ve kept it cool the last 2 weeks but this did me in. My first patient to die was the domino of the new normal. No time for tears as we scramble to coordinate experimental treatments. I’ve spoken to them. To their families. Gave them hope. Now they’re gone. https://twitter.com/nhannahjones/status/1264551857747353612
I can yammer on about the absolute negligence of the government through all of this and nobody bats an eye. Maybe I should start talking more about the gut punch feeling when you open a patient’s chart and you’re prompted with a “this patient is deceased” notification
I’m just sort of speechless towards the covid hoax crowd. I understand they’re bored but like- some of us aren’t? Some of us see this shit day in and day out. Y’all were all HeAlThCaRe WoRkErS aRe HeRoEs until we begged for the bars not to open then we were just a nuisance
Today I’m going to make a conscious effort to remember two patients in particular. Two people who had no next of kin to notify when they died and drifted into oblivion. Someone needs to grieve for them.
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