Joe Biden could go on a bender, hit people with his car, scream “n*gger” from the rooftop and smack ya motha and you upity dem negroes would still say “okay but would you rather have Trump?¿”
Sure go vote for him but don’t act like he’s God’s gift to the black community. He’s not a Savior. Don’t guilt trip the community into supporting him.
Please don’t tweet at me if you don’t know who your local and state elected Dems are. Thank you.
Y’all be die hard Dems on the national level but have no idea what’s going on anywhere else
If the elections were non partisan...would you actually know who to vote for?
Let me break it down, Biden=Trump.
Listen, we got a black president and the black community was still an after thought yet you all still think that it’s your moral obligation to publicly go out of your way to support this man?
What other community do you see tap dancing for a candidate right now? Every election the black community has to integer themselves into a campaign that isn’t for us. Just stop.
Of course there’s exceptions like AL for example but honestly what are we gaining? Nothing.
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