Star Wars: #TheCloneWars is complete! Relive the entire series in the thread below, and check out the Clone Wars recap account on Instagram for more:
Ahsoka Tano is introduced as Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan learner, setting the tone for her enthusiastic and reckless excitement to learn the ways of the Jedi.
The Clone Troopers go through intense training to become the best soldiers and fight for the Republic alongside the Jedi. Throughout the war, the clones struggle to find their identity beyond just being disposable soldiers.
In a battle with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pre Vizsla – reveals that he is in possession of the Darksaber. Maul later takes the Darksaber for his own after defeating Vizsla in combat.
After several attacks on the planet Mandalore, Death Watch is established as a terrorist group. The goal of Death Watch is to take control of the Mandalorian government and return it to its original traditions.
While on Mortis, Anakin finds himself caught between the light and dark sides of the Force. When the Father is killed, Anakin refuses to take his place, bringing the Force out of balance. This puts him on the path to the dark side.
Maul is found by his brother, Savage Opress, but his defeat at the hands of Obi-Wan Kenobi has left him vengeful. Savage takes his brother back to Dathomir, where his mind and legs are restored by the magick of Mother Talzin.
Maul and Death Watch combine forces to conquer Mandalore and lure Obi-Wan Kenobi to exact revenge. Later on, Darth Sidious arrives on Mandalore to stop Maul from interfering with his plans and takes him as his prisoner.
Yoda hears the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn who instructs him to complete training and become one with the Living Force.
Clone Trooper Fives discovers inhibitor chips implanted in the brains of all clones, the malfunction of which causes Clone Trooper Tup to kill a Jedi. When Clone Trooper Fives tries to reveal the truth about why his friend killed a Jedi, his untimely death keeps it a secret.
Ahsoka is framed for murder and expelled from the Jedi Order. When she is later found innocent and invited back, Ahsoka chooses to walk away from the Jedi Order and forge her own path.
Captain Rex discovers that Trooper Echo is alive and enlists the help of Anakin Skywalker and The Bad Batch to rescue him from The Techno Union Army. Upon their safe return, Echo realizes he no longer fits in with his old unit and joins The Bad Batch.
Ahsoka arrives on Mandalore to free the planet from the control of Maul, only to find it was a trap for Anakin. When Maul reveals Darth Sidious’ desire to make Anakin his apprentice, Ahsoka realizes the only way to discover the truth is to capture Maul and bring him to the Jedi.
All episodes of Star Wars: #TheCloneWars are now streaming on #DisneyPlus.
You can follow @TheCloneWars.
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