What the Redpill is and is NOT.

The redpill was meant to be a means for men to better understand inter-gender sexual dynamics. It is supposed to help you be aware of female nature so that you can better navigate the sexual market place. Its a tool to improve relations between ⬇️
Men and women. You're supposed to take it and better yourself, improve your relationship with your gf(s) or wife. Understanding women is NOT hating women. If you HATE women, you've lost the plot and you really need to "HEAL"⬇️
You are to become a superior man and understand what women really want instead of constantly doing what repels them. Being the opposite of a masculine man is exactly what disgusts women and why she'll use you for your resources and leave you for the next best guy⬇️
If you're stuck frustrated and hate women, you don't improve yourself, don't work on your SMV, you'll forever be miserable. The redpill is not anti-feminism, its not a woman hate-group by sexually frustrated men⬇️.
Don't hate women, understand them.
Don't be a LOSER, strive to become a better man and don't be bitter.
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