What if Jack the Ripper was a woman 🤔
I'm watching documentaries and it just popped into my head. The killer clearly had knowledge of anatomy due to the way the women were mutilated. A midwife maybe? A nurse?
Most women in whitechapel were forced to become sex workers that time. The killer managed to walk around near police officers literally at the crime scenes and go unnoticed. A woman walking around during the night wouldnt have been suspicious at all, they wouldn't glance at her
All 5 victims were sex workers. Maybe it was a woman who's partner was unfaithful and she took out her heartbreak on them because of what he did. Maybe due to religious beliefs she despised sex workers. Maybe she just hated women, alot of women do unfortunately
Perhaps it was a deranged woman who had it out for sex workers. Idk just a thought
The letters the killer taunted the police with called the victims "whores" and stuff. Clearly the killer had a vendetta against them because of their job. Everyone was so sure it was a man who was a doctor or something but honestly if it was a woman then it was the perfect crime
That's it I officially think Jack the Ripper was a woman. Cant believe I never thought of that before
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