New summer baseball/softball rules: 1. Child players shall not be permitted to use a ball during practice.
2. No player in the field may throw a caught ball to another player after it is put in play, until it is cleaned and sanitized by an umpire. We recommend not fielding a hit ball
3. Umpires must remain behind a plexiglass barrier at least 6 feet from all players. We recommend no foul ball be fielded by a player
4. Players off the field to bat must remain in their parents' vehicles until their respective turn at bat. No dugouts.
5. Players shall not tag a player out. We recommend not touching a base bag with any part of the body or uniform
6. Catchers shall be banned. Pitched balls shall be collected at the end of each half-inning, provided no player comes closer than 6 feet to the umpire's plexiglas enclosure
7. In lieu of live games, teams are encouraged to organize videoconferencing meetings with other teams to tell stories about baseball or softball, including sharing pre-COVID-19 experiences when people recognized risks and exercised proper caution but enjoyed living free 🤔
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