1/The yearning for liberty is inextricably linked to the human existence. Liberty yearning is like gravity pulling water down the slope- even if you temporally contain it, it still pushes down incessantly, and in time prevails
2/ Contravening it leads to a clash against utilitarian authoritarianism.

Reopening safely out of the current pandemic is via persuasion, not coercion.

3/ It has been over five months since the world first learned about COVID-19. Models predicted a rise in the number of cases, and seemingly a high likelihood the pandemic would overwhelm our hospitals.
4/ These models were often inaccurate and we have all come to learn about the imprecision of epidemiological prediction. Nevertheless, the infection is far worse than anyone initially accepted, and has become a staple of our generation.
5/ Because of the fears of uncountable deaths, and the possible need to prioritize resources for those affected, initial measures were put in place to curtail the spread of the virus.
6/ Images of the Lombardic tragedy compelled all to stay in place and wait for the storm to pass, and with few exceptions most complied. Realizing the gravity of the situation governments gradually implemented measures to prevent infections.
7/ With some vacillation, we evolved from travel restrictions, to social distancing, shelter in place, and universal mask use.

As the pandemic ensued we have watched with horror the stories from New York City and Boston.
8/ Even while we are in the midst of the so-called first wave, with thousands of deaths per day, many have started to wonder how long society will remain isolated and locked. Politicians look to experts for recommendations regarding policies that might save lives.
9/ And for the most part we have complied. However, as the weeks have ensued we see growing jobless claims and lines for food banks- impatience is also growing.
10/ This brewing impatience is a response to the unknown future dictated by the vagaries of nature, and the lack of a coherent strategy to resume a life with a resemblance to normal. The public looks for guidance from federal agencies, state governments, and health authorities.
11/ A void of direction has heightened this anxious impatience. Additionally, the conversation is now ideological, almost with a Manichean division between those wanting to save lives more so than the economy, and vice versa, creating cartoons of opposing perspectives.
12/ Dissenting from orthodoxy is punished severely, even for those recognized as accomplished. In the background, the public’s patience is running thinner.
13/ We observe nonsensical tactics that further erode public trust. The filling of a skateboard park with sand is an epitome of this dystopian reality. Police officers chase socially distant individuals in the ocean or on the beach.
14/ And now protests have started. Groups present themselves at government buildings and elsewhere with American flags, sometimes armed, demanding back their freedoms (all demonstrations have been peaceful).
15/ This seems to be an emotional reaction to the tyrannical smell of the environment. Politicians clash with law enforcement as to whether violators should be identified, fined, or jailed.
16/ Citizens have started to feel like pawns in this game- a game being orchestrated by those who “knew better.” As C.S. Lewis wisely said “there is no worse tyranny than that done for the good of the victim.”
17/ And it turns out that those making decisions do not even know if this is “good”, no one knows for sure. But why not, let's maximize safety through coercion.
18/ Only retrospectively we will know the cost and consequences of current policy decisions and their effect on the mortality of COVID-19. In time we will know whether Sweden was the greatest mistake in public health history or a visionary strategy.
19/ Only in time will we know if stay at home orders helped, and whether decisions were made in a timely fashion. We will regret the polarization of the pandemic, nationally and globally.
20/ We know the virus can only propagate when carried by humans, but not much about the efficacy of social distancing, the net benefit of masks, the transmissibility via fomites, the durability of immunity and so many other things.
21/ Humanity has never seen such a rapid rise in medical knowledge as we now see for COVID-19, but we still remain quite ignorant.

Because of this growing public mistrust, the opportunity seems lost to convince people.
22/ Heeding advice would have been far more productive than coercing. Once you fill a park with sand you will have a difficult time recommending universal use of masks.
23/ Regrettably, this mistrust has now fueled conspiracy theories about the origins of the pandemic and some people have outright rejected the idea of getting vaccinated, should a vaccine become available.
24/ My optimism makes me hope there is still a chance for persuasion, but it now seems the pandemic will follow a tortuous road with many more deaths to come and a yet to be understood effect on the well-being of current and future generations.
25/ Society cannot remain indefinitely quarantined at the cost of jobs, poverty, and a receding economy. Those more economically capable to weather an economic downfall struggle to understand why hair salons dared open against local laws.
26/ Sadly, this sense of economic security is only possible for a small minority. People need their sustenance. The ideological polarization also grows because of the portrayal by some that only those in medicine and epidemiologist knew.
27/ We have learned through this pandemic that society is far more complex than we can comprehend. Unidimensional accusatory statements have eroded trust by those “not in the know.”
28/ It remains impossible for any individual to possess all skills sets and knowledge to reliably know what the best steps forward with regards to the policy were.

A clear message that persuades citizens on a safe approach to reopening is missing.
29/ A message that outright acknowledges the unknowns about the virus, proposing a plan for most to return to work, albeit with revised behaviors and with some acceptance of risk, is absent.
30/ A persuasive message regarding the potential benefits of universal masks meets defiance as a sign of mistrust and an affirmation of peoples yearning for liberty. Persuasion could enhance behaviors such as continuing with hand washing and remaining socially distant.
END It seems less likely and it could have been different.

I hope in the future we can show persuasion cutting across ideologies.
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