cant believe i just had to block 5 ppl over saying a decade age gap isnt a big deal and for not acknowledging power dynamics y'all are so weird lmfao not to mention op going about <3 JUST WAIT FOR THE QUEST DARKSPARKS IS REAL
you guys can ship whatever you want but do you honestly believe its canon endgame and in the writers plans to have wraith and wattson date. or fuck. do you honestly believe this is going to happen? is this truly grounded in reality?
a woman smiles at another woman one time and suddenly the tl cannot stop talking about how they wanna bang and are in love so fucking bad. they interact like any other close friends or sisters and its creepy. you can't say this relationship is ok but then take a stance against +
a 32 yr old man w a 22 yr old woman in the same breath. if you think THATS predatory and a creepy age gap so is darksparks!! sorry!! thats gonna make alot of ppl who follow me big mad but

1. i am begging you to find a different hobby than reaching for representation
2. i am begging you to stop shipping women with women the minute they so much as smile at eachother or are friendly dear fucking god
3. i am begging you to stop ignoring the creepy undertones of a decade age gap
4. i am begging you to recognize this power dynamic
everyday i am so glad the actual writers of this game dont listen to randoms on the internet and pull this stupid shit out their ass like on god if becoming lesbian is all about which woman i smile at and act friendly towards i guess im in love with all of my female friends.
actual bisexual woman in our video game? nah! ignore her! actual lesbians in media? ignored.

but a 32 yr old being friendly in a pretty platonic way to a 22 yr old? they are in love and are fucking. y'all are on some weird shit sometimes i swear. LMFAOOOOOOOOO
at the end of the day i truly do not care if this thread causes controversy because its at the fault of y'all if you honestly behave and act like this. i get along with plenty of people who have dif takes than i do but im sick of you guys outright defending stupid shit +
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