How I survived the Queen Era: A thread
Before the release of Chun-li and Barbie Tingz, Bodak Yellow was thriving and people are bullying Nicki Minaj that she's replaced. Nicki on the other hand congratulated Cardi B when she got her #1
Nicki Minaj never felt threatened or insecure about Cardi B, in fact she supported her and shown love because she's from New York too. Cardi B somehow tells in interviews Nicki Minaj is an inspiration to her.
The barbz are being bullied left and right because people thought Nicki Minaj is no longer relevant. The barbz did not attack Cardi B. Instead, we jammed to her music still because she was a new yorker and could be Nicki's successor.
Motorsport was released and things got worse. Nicki told her side and no one defended her, not even Quavo. Nicki Minaj had the evidences but chose not to show them since it's no longer a big deal. The barbz are being bullied more, people are saying our fave is a liar.
Some barbz already know what's going on. But some still continued to support Cardi B believing she was a barb and an avid fan. There were multiple tweets of Cardi about Nicki, and she was seen stalking Nicki Minaj pages a lot of times.
Yet, Cardi B was consumed by fame and thought she was above everybody and started tearing Nicki Minaj down. She made accusations that were false, and the general public was on her side because it became a trend to hate on Nicki Minaj. Cardi B used this opportunity.
Invasion of privacy went number 1 on BB200 and Queen went number 2. This led to more bullying to the barbz when the barbz just wanted to listen to Nicki Minaj's music.
Nicki's name will be brought up on every post even it has nothing to do without her. A post could be about Taylor Swift or BTS but you will see at least 10 comments saying 'nokia flop'. People felt happy bullying the barbz who remained calm during the situation.
Nicki Minaj went to discuss how Travis Scott sold merch to remain number 1 on BB200 and Nicki Minaj was bullied and called salty and said she was no longer relevant. Eventhough Queen had more sales than more than half of the number 1 albums on Billboard that year.
Queen had a very messy rollout. This also caused chart-obsessed barbz to leave the fandom. They only want to stan an artist if he/she is successful.
Nicki Minaj even joked about Stormi and the shallow-minded public took it seriously. The barbz are decreasing day by day.
Nicki Minaj revealed her relationship and more barbz are leaving. I've seen my own mutuals transform into Cardi B or Ariana Grande pages.
Nicki was heavily blackballed making her songs freefall on the charts. Another way the people found to bully the barbz. The barbz that are spending their money to buy the music. If the projects weren't bought, Nicki's songs wouldn't even chart since it has zero radio support
Big barb pages were just posting Nicki or other artists' picture to stay safe and avoid the hate train. There were no streaming parties or buying parties.
And then Nicki Minaj released Tusa and somehow, the hate train starts to fade. Nicki proved how versatile she was by releasing Idol and Tusa, international wholesome hits. Nicki proved she can provide appropriate lyrics and make it still fire.
Nicki Minaj got married and the barbz are being bullied for it saying Nicki is married to a felon. Something that the barbz have nothing to do about.
And then Nicki got her number 1 with Say So Remix and people are saying it was just a feature. Nicki Minaj never said anything back. She just thanked her fans and showed love. She is such an angel.
But there are people who lives their lives by hating on Nicki Minaj, like they personally know her to plant their grudges. Nicki Minaj only wished the best for them.
The barbz are fighting people who starts the feud. No genuine barb will create feuds with people.
Shout out to all the barbz who were there and stayed. Love you.
Because of being patient and being focused on Nicki Minaj's music and only wished the best for Onika and try not to act like management, I survived the Queen era. For this new era upon us, I am ready.
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