why are we talking about "leading the world"? why do we lead the world? because Shakespeare slid his way into the curriculum? we can all innovate WORLD-WIDE. we have an imbalanced system, primed for profit, where unless you can afford it far fewer opportunities are available...
yes, a lot of the training is excellent, but it isn't available to the majority. the system is clearly broken, under-funded, under-valued and the conversations circle around the same topics, and are had by the same names again & again. I've experienced this privilege but don't...
want it to continue. creative expression becoming only about economic input, not about mental wellbeing, educational value, world-awareness and a wider, human understanding, is a WASTE that is bigger than many of us would care to admit. we haven't gone too far yet...
to see what is happening, what we ourselves have been doing for years, and FINALLY start to value the arts, creative expression and experimentation at a base level for the good it does. what it does to our bodies, our brains, the chemical balances inside of us. it is a force...
for good beyond many things that exist. it is a gift to humanity. if we squander it we suffer.
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