Ok what’s the threshold of total hours one can spend digging through the 8000-page Arm manual before reaching insanity? Asking for a fox.
“This instruction is an actually an alias for that instruction which is an alias of this other instruction which is the preferred disassembly if the following alias conditions are met”
LDCLRB - “Atomic Bit clear on Byte in memory atomically loads an 8-bit byte from memory, performs a bit wise AND with the compliment of the value held in a register on it, and stores the result back to memory”
Did you know that the instruction
LSL Xd, Xn, #<shift>

Is an alias of
UBFM Xd, Xn, #(- <Shift> MOD 64), #(63 - <Shift>)

Well now you know.
Useless facts brought to you by Azeria.
Someone: explain Shift instructions to me

Me: ok but did you know that this ASR instruction is actually an SBFM and if you use it with a register it’s an ASRV but in disassembly you will see ASR even if you write ASRV and oh let me show you how these work bit by bit
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