I feel the need to share some thoughts about good and evil.

This is me and my grandpa, who was a caring and loving man.
He also used to be a member of the NSDAP. Not bc he approved of them, but bc at this was the only way to remain in his rural "Schützenverein".
He also raised his arm at events where it was required.
In a freezing winter of 1944, my mom was 6 months, they had to flee from Gdansk from the Russian army, 1,000 km by foot. Some children, adults and animals didn't make it, they had to leave their dead bodies along the trail.
My mom survived. My grandpa told me that once when they got shelter at a farm for a night, my mom was so starved and dehydrated that she put her little fist in a salt barrel and enjoyed eating the pure salt. This might have saved her life.
I grew up with these stories.
I grew up having to process and accept the contradicting facts about my grandpa.
He was not evil, but he didn't resist and it took me years coming to peace with it, like many Germans.
The world history is condensed in all of our family histories, some carry more, some less guilt.
Good and evil is in all of us humans.
Are Americans who didn't protest the Trump regime's concentration camps evil?
Is Obama evil bc he approved drone attacks and the NSA had our chancellor's phone wiretapped?
I'd say no, although I condemn these specific actions.
Was Hitler evil? Göbbels, Himmler and the rest of the pack?
Yes. We know today that they were evil psychopaths, not capable of feeling empathy, paranoid, sadistic, unscrupulous conspiracy theorists who didn't give a fuck about fellow humans.
So, if one more Trumpist calls me out for not condemning Obama the way I condemn Trumpism, this is the answer.
Trump is a psychopath, as are many of his enablers, a psychopath of Hitlerian dimensions.
Barack Obama is a human who made mistakes.
That's the difference.
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