You can’t keep treating your individual experiences as the ultimate truth & reality for all black people. You gotta look at statistics, talk to people, study patterns, do your own research, question everything & travel the world.
If you’ve had bad experiences with black men & are saying they don’t stand up for us, but there are tons of black women saying black men do nothing but treat us well & protect us in the ways they know how to. Maybe the issue could be you? Maybe it’s the way you treat black men?
And don’t even say it’s because I’m lightskin because I know plenty of brownskinned & darkskinned black women who don’t hate black men & feel very supported by them.

We just don’t treat black men like shit. We respect them, so we get equal respect back.
Why would you even expect black men to stand up for you if all you do is talk shit & blame them for everything? If you don’t even know how to talk to them without being disrespectful & take every chance you get to throw a black man under the bus? Why would they respect you?
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