got7 as your quarantine crushes ; a thread
- you keep on liking his posts but he doesn't notice
- you post stories for him to see
- he doesn't notice at all, he just focuses on his books
- you posted one of his fav books in an ig story then he initiated the chat
- he sends you books that he likes and thats it
- you play pubg and cod mobile together with mic on
- you guys play until sunrise
- he likes playing with you even though you suck and die a lot in the game
- he enjoys you shouting when you die
- hits you up when you're sad
- day isn't complete if you don't play with him
- he always reacts to your ig / fb stories
- you accidentally pressed the heart react in his selfie
- he hit you up and you became good friends
- he always jokes about you having a crush on him bc of that
- he calls you everyday for no reason
- goodmorning texts
- you keep on pestering him on a daily trying to hit on him
- he didn't reply to your 10+ messages
- left on read
- you stopped trying and after a day he finally chatted "where's your daily flirt"
- he still has that cold attitude but he's fond of talking to you now
- you're close with him even before quarantine
- late night talks, never ending topics
- sends you random voicemails of him singing
- sends you his pictures before he posts in on social media
- you like each other but he's wating for quarantine to end for him to confess
- your active liker on facebook
- you have the same humor as him
- he chatted you because you shared his meme without liking his post
- never fails to tag you on memes, tweets and such
- you find it comfortable talking and laughing with him
- ure attatched to each other
- he's the one you ask for answers for your online classes
- he's hesitant but he gives in, he also teaches you the lessons
- you video call to discuss school related things
- next thing you knew, you talk to each other everynight even if it's not school related
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