People will not listen to whole ass scientists that science every day, but will listen to a Random Woman on the Street like she's Marie Curie.
People long to believe conspiracy theories bc we want to believe that we know something that #they (the government, the super wealthy, "The Man") know but aren't telling us.
The best conspiracy theories mix in just enough half-truths or even facts to make it believable.
We all know there's a tortured history and present with Black people and how damn near every law ever made is enforced. Throw in the fact that now some places are trying to pass laws and or create policies that require masks...
...we already know (and have seen) how unfair the implementation of these laws & policies will be.

Does that mean masks do not work, though???

The answer - like most answers to complex things we like to over simplify - is multifactorial.
There isn't a lot of in-depth research on masks, but the case-studies that are there and even looking at places like South Korea and Slovakia that required masks from the start of the spread show heavily imply there is a high benefit to wearing masks w/a low risk of side effects.
I've heard MFs that smoke cigarettes talmbout they won't wear a mask because of "breathing in used air"
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