It's beyond obvious that our government do not care about the +36,675 lives that have been lost thus far and the 10s of thousands put at risk each day. So, sometimes I can't help but wonder if they would have acted differently if Boris had died. Would that be a "catastrophe"?
Like are the government seeing the same numbers as us. Like 36,675 DEAD. And each one represents a whole human life lost. But we're going to lessen lockdown with hundreds still dying daily? And how does post-outbreak care look? Are we gonna invest in our mh support services?
For every person out of the 36,675 who have died, that's a fucking lot of people in mourning as well as the impact of 257,000 confirmed cases, let alone unconfirmed. The impact it has on families, communities. Post-outbreak are we expected to just go back to work like normal?
The level of hatred and loathing I feel for this government is deafening. They're just letting people die whilst they and their friends get richer. From the very bottom of my heart, fuck. the. tories. And every fucking person who voted for them. Fuck ALL of you
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