...IS LOVE IN THE AIR? đŸ‘©â€â€ïžâ€đŸ‘©

#DoctorWho #Thasmin
There seems to be quite a few people out there who disagree with a possible 13/Yaz romance in the upcoming series, but to be perfectly honest I personally don’t see the issue, who doesn’t like two characters falling in love, right? So I for one am fully on board -
for a get together! There’s been discussions in the past saying it would be weird, the Doctor’s ancient, she’s not human, it’s not a soap opera, blah, blah, blah...but what about 10/Rose?! It went down so well with the viewers, especially the general audience I believe, there’s -
not one person I know of who didn’t like it, it actually made that era even more memorable, stronger & drew in a wider audience as it became appealing not just to Sci-fi fanatics & die hard fans of the show. One of the reasons why I was so invested with 9 & 10 so quickly -
was the fact they were now a lot more human compared to what we’d seen previously, something I’d love to see resurface. Like we’ve seen, there certainly hasn’t been a bundle of material from the Companions during these past series, but regarding Yaz there’s no denying -
she’s got more than just feelings for the Doctor & it was even revealed recently from a script that the special person that she was talking about in ‘The Haunting of...’ was in fact referring to 13. Not only do I warm to these storylines anyway, but Yaz would finally -
have a purpose for being there & people would be able to relate to her in some way. I know I mentioned in my last thread that I would prefer to see a new companion, if this is what they’ve got planned for the two of them I’d be totally happy with it, but that’s if -
they’re written with such strength & is prominent WITH clear emotion, an aspect I find Chibnall struggles to get across. I’m not getting my hopes up, but at least we’ve got something to ponder about, -
knowing there’s a potential & worthy plot out there for the both of them.

What do you guys think, would you like it to be more than a friendship or would you rather them stay away from the idea?

Please SHARE your opinions!

#DoctorWho #Thasmin
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