swings as your cool uncle™️
[based on a fanfic i read online]
1. he teaches you about rapping and hiphop in general
2. brings imjmwdp members to family events and dinners?? for some reason?
3. and when u ask him why he says something like “oh imjmwdp is one big family and it includes you guys 😎
4. buys you food because why not
5. even your friends think he’s cool 😔
6. swings by your house a lot (haha get it,,,)
7. he’d be like. the one to drive on a long road trip but he constantly changes what’s playing on the radio as well. you & your family are filled with utter f e a r that he’ll crash the car into something
8. he probably ends up knocking over a trash can or something lmao
9. “hey look what i learned from work today” he proceeds to fucking nico nico nii in your face
10. crackhead energy, sometimes you wonder if he’s ok
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