a thread of akayona characters and what i think they smell like!

(if u disagree w me just quote with what u think it would be instead i would love to know!!)
yona~ 🍓🌸🌺

sweet strawberries (+other mixed berries) and vanilla 🥺 on formal days she’d probably opt for a more fancy & floral scent though!

but after she goes on wild adventures she smells like grass BNSHSGSHH
hak~ 🍂🌲✨

STINKY joke uhm definitely a slight woody scent (like sandalwood) with notes of hazelnut and caramel!

on special days maybe a minty scent like eucalyptus
kija~ 🕯🥥

i think he’d smell like a vanilla candle and hints of sweet coconut 🥺

on other days he jus smells freshly bathed n baby powder bc he loves being clean 🛁
shin ah~ 💨🍪🌰

before yona found him: dirt n cave yeah dirt n cave n rocks

when he got out: fresh air!! he usually doesnt put any special fragrances but after bathing hes even Extra fresh-er with a hint of cinnamon
jaeha~ 🍃🌊

straight up WEED + ocean

im kiddingsjsgsg he prolly smells like jasmine and fresh grass but when he borrows haks perfume he smells like eucalyptus
zeno~ 🍋🍉🍊🍎✨

when he’s not covered in dirt and uh blood he prolly smells fruity plus honey and/or lemongrass!!
soowon~ 🍼💐🌸🌼🌻🍵✨

like baby powder and flowers and camomile 🥺 he smells so nice and sweet and fresh at the same time you wouldn’t believe he’s a murderer ☺️ haha
yoon~ 💐🌷🌼🥀

he a pretty boy who smells lovely and fresh and floral!! but he cooks and a lot so he ends up smelling like a variety of spices and whatever ingredients he’s working on for medicine

he prolly ended up smelling like vix vapo rub one time
kye sook~ 🐀💨

sour fart and dead rats but he tries to mask it with expensiveass strong ugly axe body spray type of stuff
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