Every time someone gets screwed over by a contract, there’s always a group of people positioned firmly on “I don’t pity anyone who didn’t read their contract”.

It’s weird. You’re not on guard 24/7. You might not drop your guard with contracts but you drop it with something else.
People are naive about various things. And they learn and grow from it. There’s no need to be snide about it.

Also she didn’t sign this in 2020. And it was less commonplace/known (tbh) to get an entertainment lawyer when she signed it.
Obvs it’s a lot going on, but someone clearly making a big gaffe that’s impacted their life this much deserves some sympathy.

Or nothing at all. Don’t say anything. None of this “I know better than you” side comments.
There’s clearly a lot going on - more than we know, but really no one deserves to be taken advantage of.

And this actually cuts across all contract conversations not just entertainment.
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