(Thread) Here's a tribute to the Tridax Daisy. You may know it as an annoying little weed, but the butterflies in our farm beg to disagree.
This is a Oriental Blue Tiger slowly opening and closing her wings surely trying to put someone in a trance
If she could talk I'm sure this Crimson Tip would tell us enchanting stories on each part of those wings that are clipped
More clipped wings. This Lemon Pansy, despite those watchful eyes, has had several brushes with danger.
May look like the Crimson Tip, but this Orange Tip, I learned, is not even in the same family.
This beautiful Tawny Coster took periodic breaks from her flap-sail-flap-sail flight to feed on the Tridax Daisy's nectar.
And finally, this Common Emigrant (I think).
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