Sigh... You take one Saturday off from following this stuff & look what you miss... "Liberty Fest," the latest Sacramento rally...
Freedom Angels antivax grp again organizers (or one of them depending on source)... Comments follow in thread... 1/n
3/ 👆How many? "Others came from out of state. Pam Hemphill said she was requested to travel to CA...from...Boise, ID. 'We got a grp of us together...called the "Ppl’s Movement," where if they’re stepping on your...rights, you just call us & you’ll get 1K ppl there to help you.'"
4/ Antivax group organizers: "...hosted by the Freedom Angels, had over 700 ppl RSVP on FB. Their website doesn't provide much info abt (their Foundation), other than...'born out of a collective of Americans who believe in The United States Constitution.'"
6/ Per the Freedom Angels site (see vid below, but others too), seems another politician was there: NJ Assemb. Jamel Holley, known for his public anti-vax views (new one below) & photo ops with RFK Jr. Quite an anti-vaccine lobby pandering PR vid:
7/ Religious theme: As per FA's FB vids (as w/ past rallies), "Pastor Tim" there, entangling church (Jesus), state, & liberty and treating liberty as something only for Christians--not Jews, Muslims, & others (eg, "invisible hand" believers of Adam Smith?). BUT more on this...
8/ Other pastors as speakers. Pastor Paul Bertram (Lakeside, CA near San Diego) vid: openly pushes #COVID19=nothingburger disinformation ("lamestream media" promoted hype) and science mistruths ("hugely effective" medicine). Pure politics, no religion.
9/ Moving from church to state part of "church & state" this rally entangles... Vid here shows various signs (many US flags, Trump signs, anti-vaccine signs too), but here's new one: AG Barr's hotline to complain abt Gov's taking away civil rights (@ 4:50)
10/ Concerning (if true or not): @~3:30 Pastor Tim says he's quoting Riverside Cnty Sheriff Chad Bianco: "Any sort of new normal is an infringement on our Constitut'l rights. There isn't going to be a (new) normal. We are not going to accept a new normal."
11/ CA protests rightfully ID'd by LATimes (May 8) as "mostly white," not demo/politically diverse. Here (~5:30) Freedom Angels & Pastor Tim try to dismiss this by citing "no racism," random non-white attendees they saw ("Vietnamese ppl," "Ppl from Japan")
12/12 Okay I think that's enough for now. Tagging a few journalists whom I've chatted w/ abt this protest stuff plus others: @hannahcwiley @vcolliver @BrandyZadrozny @anitachabria @abc7robmcmillan @Jen_Iyer @TeriSforza (Riverside/SB folks: esp check out #10 in this thread--odd)
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