You might be allowed to think Warren should have backed Bernie, but in reality Bernie should have backed her when she decided to run before him, and once again when he had his heart attack.
Bernie made the mistake of letting everyone attack Warren for his own gain, but it had the effect of people attacking his policies as well. He tried to just "out left" her on everything, and if people were scared of her, that made him worse.
He chose to make all of his issues about "how many billionaire donors" people had and "wine caves". Warren didn't want to attack Pete for wine caves. She wanted to attack him about selling his time to people.
Bernie made it a gimmick, and instead it turned into a "purity test". The point was made to people paying attention when Pete refused to sign the pledge to not name donors as ambassadors.
Instead of "squashing" the story about whether he did or did not make sexist comments to Warren, he chose to just flat out deny it. He could have simply said, "I think there was a misunderstanding, and I was trying to warn her of pitfalls of running against Trump."
Warren had released her new bankruptcy plan, and it was so clear she was gearing up to go after Biden for that. Instead, by not squashing it, Bernie allowed the "dishonest woman" narrative to pop up (in fact people still say Warren leaked the story which is asinine).
Bernie once again saw opportunity to hurt Warren over the other candidates so he let the focus of the debate shift there. Bernie's support didn't drop after those comments. Biden remained unscathed.
Bernie continually focused on the number of billionaire donors as if that were really some sort of marker for purity. Bernie had plenty of millionaire donors. Functionally there was no real difference in millionaires and billionaires if they didn't have special access to him.
And really, Warren did try to reach out and endorse. It's foolish that people keep saying she should have endorsed when it was reported that Warren tried to do so. Bernie didn't want her endorsement then because at the time he was leading.
Bernie showed time and time again that it really wasn't about others, it was about himself. You can find numerous reports of how his campaign was run; it was primarily him and his wife running it. He didn't want outside help.
Even his own attack dog, Sirota, was put into a timeout for going at Biden. Bernie never wanted to go after Biden, but was content to let everyone around him go after everyone else. If he really cared about progressive ideals, he would have protected Warren.
If he was intent on staying in his goal should have been to narrow the field to him and Warren. Instead he seemed hellbent on keeping a fractured field because he thought that gave him the best chance. The idea of everyone consolidating behind Biden never occurred to him.
He truly ran a campaign that was never meant to include others. He pushed away his closest ally time and time again. At some point you pay the cost for that. That cost may have very well been Warren's endorsement.
It most certainly cost him a lot of support. The exit polls showed that many Warren supporters voted for Biden because they didn't want it to be Bernie, and in a fractured field it could have been. Even if Warren had endorsed, Warren supporters would not have been forgiving.
Her support was always split. She was the one who was bringing moderates into progressive ideals with pragmatic plans, and talk of unity. Bernie wanted to beat every one, not unify.
Bernie's campaign will have to be seen as a failure. It was a failure in 2016, and it was a failure again in 2020. Bernie did far more damage to the progressive movement this cycle, and it's actually a blessing that he didn't win.
He's turned "progressive" into a single issue, which is M4A. And by M4A, it's a specific M4A that only Bernie's way is correct. There can be no compromise. There can be no other route. There can be no talk of navigating the senate or funding it.
It is strictly about him demanding it pass as if that's going to be a valid strategy. That would have just caused people to rally against him. We've seen that across the board. Berniecrats were defeated in pretty much every election they ran in.
Bernie didn't help that at all with his refusals to endorse or late endorsements. He wouldn't campaign for people. He wasn't willing to do the work for his own theory of change, while demanding AOC show up for rallies for him.
If he wasn't willing to do the work during the primaries, he wouldn't have been willing to do it in office. He is not a hard worker. He's skipped important votes. He fell asleep in impeachment. His presidency would have been a failure and damaged progressive politics.
Warren is smarter than me, so she probably saw this on the chess board before anyone else did. It's probably why she didn't endorse in 2016 since she knew better than to make enemies of Hillary who was most likely going to win.
She was already influencing Hillary's economic policy behind the scenes and Hillary was installing several Warren recommendations into various positions. Warren was also strongly considered for VP then as well.
It wasn't some careerist move or a betrayal. It was a move to help give progressives more power. Going against Hillary would have caused progressives to lose any influence they would have had, even if Hillary had won.
She didn't make a mistake not endorsing Bernie in either election. 2016 would have cost progressives a lot of power in what was supposed to be a shoe in. 2020 would have installed the most ineffectual President of our lifetimes.
And that's even if Bernie would have won. The polling data disputes that. Bernie would have never garnered enough support even if Warren had endorsed.
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