ok uhm i'm gonna make a thread here abt commentary of the sorcerer's stone as i'm reading this shit so feel free to mute this thread if you are sick of me talking about harry potter
current note: fuck the dursleys these people are like conservative boomer parents
this isn't related i just thought it was funny
dude it's so weird how muggles treat wizards like a minority group and then you have wizard pureblood supremacists who despise muggles because they're not wizard enough that's such a weird and honestly just strange way to write oppression
like, obviously the pureblood supremecists (voldemort) were very much based off n/zi idealogy. this would make sense if pureblood wizards wanted to kill muggles and muggles hated them for this said prejudice but it's more like "wizards are so weird!"
also if this was how the story would go it would make much more sense to have harry be a muggle fighting back against pureblood supremacy and would also just make more narrative sense (also in this thread i'm not taking into account the time this was written in)
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