I had a dream that I changed my passcode on my phone right? I wake up two hours later to realize I really did that.. I'm not only locked out of my phone, but I can't reset it because my Macbook airs been downloading the macOS Catalina for like 10 hours
so now my phone is trying to reset while the macbook is trying to download catalina... so now I had to dig up my old laptop dying of laughter bc I truly hate myself for this whole situation... btw this "dream" happened bc I was SO tired from my flight last night
the macOS Catalina finally downloaded and my phone reset... now I can't sign into my phone bc I just changed my actual password to my apple account a few days ago as someone hacked into my account a few weeks back.. my password is in my notes and I can't access it...
I can't access that bc I have the two step authentication factor on my phone. When I downloaded the catalina everything deleted on the laptop deleted as well.. So there was no way of me being able to access codes sent to my imessages through my laptop
So now I have to wait over a week for apple to contact me and I'm scared they're going to judge me in the sense of belittlement like lowkey lol. I can live w/o my phone for sometime. Anyways talk about bad luck and stupid I am
also would like to add one LAST thing on this thread... this whole thing could've been prevented if I looked at my notes on my laptop BEFORE restoring my phone and downloading Catalina... I am mad and laughing at myself because this whole situation is hysterical
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