Thousands are now protesting in Hong Kong in defiance of new security laws being passed in Beijing allowing direct intervention by Chinese security forces to arrest and imprison virtually any dissenting voice.
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They include many district councillors after pro-democracy forces swept the board last autumn in the elections.
Chants have been made for Hong Kong independence.
Such calls for not been heard much before. In part because ...
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...protestors felt it would invite the direct intervention of the Chinese army, the PLA. To a lesser degree, because protestors wanted to call for change across China.
In the face of threats by Xi Jinping and the CCP, such calls are inevitable. Those of us in the workers..
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...and radical movements across the world have to support them.
To whom HongKongers could turn to govern in any move to independence is unclear. The trade union movement is still comparatively small although growing fast. Democratic local councillors are many..
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...but politically disparate.
Inevitably there has already a lot of teargas and in barracks within and outside Hong Kong, the forces of the PLA wait.
Hong Kong workers and democrats face incredible dangers. They need to organize and clarify...
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..what an independent HK would look like and take the issue of what is at stake to many of the poorer and migrant communities who need to be reassured that independence will be their liberation as well as a step to the liberation of the people of the whole of China.
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