pulled some cards on hyungwon bc i was putting my deck away after doing a reading but the 6 of swords fell out as i was watching a fancam. it's a card of moving forward after going through hardship or making progress for the sake of it, but with a heavy heart. i think the 6 +
also marks the current members of the group. there's a heavier workload to carry amongst the 6 and i'm sure they're starting to feel it. there's some indecision going on in his mind. it's business/work related and also has to do with a current project which is likely the +
comeback. he's wondering whether things will go well for them. there's some insecurity or lack of confidence. there's a lingering male energy that is present in the cards that's also contributing to him feeling this way. i want to say it's related to someone in sse, either a +
former connection to the company (kim si dae et al) or someone currently working there who isn't making good financial or career choices and it makes him feel uneasy. that being said, i think there's going to be a compromise or a major decision/agreement that will be made soon. +
things are heading in the right direction and some form of balance will be restored. people who were evading facing the consequences to their actions will also be brought to justice. i've been seeing this a lot in my other readings too. obviously what affects the company also +
affects the boys as a whole. it will have a favorable outcome for him since this reading is on his energies and the justice card is here in the upright. i think he's also waiting for legal matters to be dealt with or the outcome of some decision to be made so that the group can +
progress. he's trying to find the proper balance between what his heart wants and what his mind tells him is logical. he's doing his best to make choices that are right for him at the given moment. i'm also still getting a feeling about some form of "truth" being revealed or +
someone coming clean about something. there's going to be a major shake up happening for sse. there are clear-cut losers and winners here. in hyungwon's mind, things won't end up too favorably for sse but he knows this needs to happen so that things are set right again. the +
cards are also marking the months of july and october as significant.

cards: 7 of cups reversed (clarifiers: ace of pentacles, the star, knight of pentacles), 2 of cups, justice (clarifiers: 7 of swords reversed, the tower, 10 of cups).
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