I don’t think anybody who knows me knows the fact that I’m a menopause-care enthusiast. The reason behind this is because my mother is post-menopausal and I want the best for her. I want her to stay healthy and vibrant for as long as she lives. Which is why she is now on HRT.
So I’ve binge-watched a heap of videos by a retired OBGYN on YouTube, Dr. Barbie Taylor ♥️. She is an angel honestly. Hormone replacement theraphy (HRT) is a treatment for menopause. It replaces the estrogen that a woman’s ovaries can no longer produce.
Disclaimer, I’m not a medical professional, I’m not a doctor ALTHOUGH what I’m about to say in this thread is a summary of the knowledge I’ve gained from watching an actual doctor specializing in obstetrics and gynaecology.
Say you lived to the age of 90 and you’re post-menopausal at 50. That’s 40 YEARS of your life. 40 fucking years! That’s a big part of your life!
Estrogen in a woman’s body is just as crucial of a hormone like any other hormone such as insulin and thyroid hormones. When a woman is post-menopausal, estrogen depletes.
Effects of estrogen depletion doesn’t show as quickly and life-threatening *short-term*, whereas hormones such as insulin and thyroid hormones can cause death if it depletes in your body.
This is why people don’t pay too much mind to estrogen depletion because in the early years, all you get is mood swings, hot flashes, brain fog etcetera whereas if you don’t have insulin, you will literally die relatively shortly (idk the exact unit of time)
But the longer you go without estrogen, your risk of developing osteoporosis, getting a heart attack, alzheimers disease increases. Other than that appearance-wise your skin loses collagen dramatically and your skin starts to age and sag and get wrinkly.
This is because a lot of your organ system LOVES estrogen. Your brain bathes in a pool of estrogen, your bones require estrogen to rebuild itself, your arteries stay soft and elastic with estrogen, your skin stays soft and supple as estrogen is crucial in collagen synthesis.
Without estrogen, your brain slowly starts to shrink—hence alzheimers, your bones become porous—hence osteoporosis, your arteries become hard—hence heart attacks, your skin loses collagen, making you look old as old can be.
To illustrate, without estrogen, it’s like the aging dial on a woman’s body inside and out is turned all the way max.
There’s a lot of fear-mongering happening around HRT. Flawed studies were sensationalized in the tabloids saying that it causes blood clots, heart attacks and what not.
In actuality, HRT actually PREVENTS these diseases. To simplify why the studies are flawed, there’s this thing called the “estrogen window of opportunity”.
HRT is effective when taken within 5 - 10 years post-menopause provided that you are healthy, have a normal BMI, don’t smoke, and don’t have a family history of heart attacks.
When you are beyond the years of the window of opportunity and/or do not have the aforementioned prerequisites (i.e. non-smoker, healthy etc), HRT unfortunately will amplify the risks of the aforementioned diseases.
Which brings us to WHY the studies were flawed, because the sample of the study were older women who are beyond those years and did not fulfill the prerequisites.
The data of the study then showed an increased risk of diseases and that data made its way to the media and were sensationalized, causing women and EVEN DOCTORS to fear HRT.
On the other hand with samples where women fulfilled all the prerequisites DID IN FACT show a lowered risk of developing those diseases! This makes me soooo sad because it’s like the world can’t see women live a good life.
To those who have read my thread, let’s empower women together by blessing them with health
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