There is such a thing as Ecology of Information.

Example - small countries with their own language, have disproportionately less good content on the web.

That's because when people started looking for websites on their topic, at first there were only ones in English.

So th...
So they joined that English community and stayed there.

On top of that when a biosphere in their language emerged, it was much smaller.

So small, you could run through all the good articles, sites and forum threads very fast and be left with bad ones.

Creating the illusi...
Creating the illusion that there is much more bulshit on the web in their language than in English.

There is a counterpoint though...
Since people in a country do have a community, many still frequent forums.

If you are looking for actual people to do stuff you look in your vicinity.

Often there is an import of foreign knowledge and beliefs (and memes).
By the way when I started this thread I had no idea there actually is such a thing as Information Ecology.

It just sprung in my mind as a thing that obviously exists whether it is studied or not.
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