This NYTimes cover is breathtaking and, if you'll forgive my colorful language, it is also absolute bullshit! zero self awareness as to how their newspaper (and mainstream media in general) helped create the conditions that led to mass loss of life
how many times the NYTimes (and I insist *all* mainstream media across the US and Europe) published "both sides" bullshit? how many "humanizing profiles" of neo nazis? how many times did they publish discourse that downplayed the dangers of these ideologies?
there is a direct line that connects op-eds about "dapper neo nazis" and people getting shot for wearing a face mask. There is a direct line between every "all lives matter!" piece and the mass deaths of Black people due to the virus.
media was never "neutral" in this situation. They systematically downplayed the role of the State to enable the implementation of austerity that defunded public institutions that could save lives. They don't get to play the sentimental card now while they helped enable this
mainstream media actively participated and enabled the creation of the discourse behind the administration of this pandemic: from normalizing the notion that neo nazi ideologies are "rational" and "ok" to the idea that racism/ sexism/ transphobia etc are "matters of opinion"
now that people are dying from these things, this same media does not get to act like grieving parties. They had a role in this situation and they don't get to pretend that this is someone else's responsibility.
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