Here we go again. No, the call for a discussion of trans rights is not a repeat of section 28. Nor does it bear any similarity to racism: another offensive comparison that we often hear. Those who make these ill-judged comparisons are harming their cause.
When @Keir_Starmer made this comparison during the previous election campaign, @BluskyeAllison demolished it in a fantastic thread:
And to all those who like to argue that trans rights are simply the next step in a civil rights campaign after gay rights: take a little time to watch the videos of Arty Morty: here is one of his best:
Just in case anyone is unaware of Juno Dawson’s homophobia: JD is famous for the comment: “A lot of gay men are gay men as a consolation prize, because they couldn't be women.” JD is pretty much the last person we need to hear from, when it comes to LGB rights.
Whenever you read, “As the Equality Act 2010 already protects transgender people’s rights to use single-sex spaces,” you know that you are reading a common misstating of the law. It’s what we call “Stonewall Law”: the law as Stonewall would like it to be, not as it exists.
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