If Truss implements a rollback on trans rights via discriminatory guidance, equality act amendments or new legislation that attempts to block trans people's participation in public life, I (Michelle, speaking for myself) will #FightTheTransLockdown every single day (1/11)
If I'm arrested, I will continue upon my release.

If I'm imprisoned, I will continue upon my release.

If I'm beaten, I will take it.

And when they are done, I will stand up and continue.

Unjust laws will not get in the way of my dignity. I would rather die. (2/11)
If Truss makes life harder for non-binary people, I will stand next to them wherever they want to go.

If they make life harder for intersex people, I will stand next to them wherever they want to go.

If they try to stop me, I will not sully my dignity by submitting. (3/11)
If whatever Truss announces makes life harder for cisgender people who do not conform to sexist gender stereotypes, I will stand next to them wherever they want to go.

If they make ID mandatory to use a changing room, I will burn my ID and use changings room anyway. (4/11)
If things go down that road then I don't intend to be stuck in the permanent lockdown the bigots, transphobes, far-right, "GCs" or the @DailyMailUK want for us. I will accept nothing except a dignified public life. Any law that tries to take that from me...(5/11)
...will be met with the respect and deference it deserves.

And I will never, ever stop.

I sincerely hope you join me. I'm tired of capitulating to people that don't see me as fully human. I am done pretending that their 'concerns' outweigh the facts. (6/11)
We've always accessed public life on our terms. Their 'concerns' have never been validated. For decades 1.7 billion people have lived with trans equality and our enemies have never been able to point to any problems this has caused anywhere in the world. (7/11)
There have been no issues in Ireland, Denmark, Malta, India, Argentina, Greece, Portugal, Canada, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Equador, Uraguay or any US states that have treated trans identities with dignity. None of their predictions has come to pass anywhere. (8/11)
I'm not going to obey a law, policy, or any limit on my dignity that comes from unfounded 'concerns' from people that do not accept my womanhood on an equal level to my cisgender sisters.

I urge you to do the same for as long as it takes. (9/11)
If they stand in the way of my access to toilets, changing areas, any space that I need to participate in public life, I will reject it and live my life as I see fit. If lockdown is lifted for my cisgender friends but not myself, I will #FightTheTransLockdown (10/11)
I will see my family again, I will go to a theme park, I will go to the cinema, I will try on clothes before I buy them, I will go swimming, I will go see Hamilton for the third time, I will #FightTheTransLockdown every day. I hope you do the same. (11/11)
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