If you believe biking on EDSA is so dangerous as to be tantamount to suicide, think about this for a second:

- about how maybe you could slow down a little when driving around bikers... 1/x
- about how no one goes on the road to intentionally get in the way of other road users, everyone is just trying to get to where they need to go 2/x
- about how a bike lane moves more people per hour per direction for the same space than a rail line reduced to 13% loading or a bus line reduced to 50% loading, and a hell of a lot more than car lanes on their best day 3/x
- about whether you really know how people live when their transport options are limited, and how maybe choosing to bike on EDSA could be, given the choices, rational and not stupid - and maybe the stupidity is elsewhere in the conversation. 4/x
- about how maybe instead of mocking people for biking on EDSA, perhaps we can make it so that we can have safe streets for people of all modes and that's more important than the desire of people to joyride at 80 kph (which is actually illegal on all urban roads) 5/5

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