Okay, since you all said maybe, I'll tell u what I've been working on. Its called The Nova Guard. My idea was college-age girls being magical girls instead of teenagers. I've always wanted to be a magical girl but most of them are these young girls who go thru a lot.
"what if they were young adults? We have a lot to balance and this kind of narratives would affect us differently." How will someone balance work, school, and defending the earth? How will situations change the game?
But also, i wanted to make them old enough for fap material. Pretty girls in short skirts is like, super hot. 🤤
Fyi, this thread will curate all my ideas, content about the Nova Guard.
Anyways! The drawings!
For the theme, I went for Space Marching Band. The idea here is that the guard is a play on like a military guard and a color guard, hence the suits. On the back is their planetary symbol.

This is Celeste, who is the guardian of Earth.
Each outfit is indicative of their personality. Here, Valentina (Venus), is scantily clad.
On the other side, the costumes will reflect any religious clothing style. Should they chose to no longer wear religious garments, the magical dress will too. Dione (Saturn) was raised Muslim. Her magical dress accommodates her religion.
In terms of gender, the dress will represent their fashion choice. Juno (Jupiter) is a trans woman. Her fashion is very feminine but also slightly provocative because of her budding sexuality.
These are the core four NG. Just like sailor moon, there are others who make up the group but they will be introduced later in the series. Some have minor roles though.
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