@CosmicSkeptic Hi Alex.
I have for some time though about the contingency argument.

Do you think it's hypotheticaly possible that universe itself does not need the cause, because it does not exist. The universe itself would be a form of nothing, and as such not requiring a cause
That would mean the universe existence is relative. It exists for us as observers inside it, but it would not exist for observers from some other universe.
The objection why don't we see things come into existence out of nothing in the universe could be answerd in the way that the universe is intrinsically stable, so it's principles don't allow that.

And only stable universes can sustain life
Why I think we can say the universe does not exist.

When we say something exists we mean it's part of the reality. Like glass on a table.
It might not be the case for the universe, because maybe there is not any reality to put universe in, and from outside view it does not exist
Any thoughts about this approach to the contingency argument summarized in this thread @gm_skeptic @RationalityRule ?
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