liberal and conservative voices all imitate each other and call each other out for the same faults. both cry victim when the other states generalizations about their respective beliefs and continue this awful cycle of cognitive dissonance that we just have to play along with?
it's this frustrating dance that everyone engages in that is linked to a modern day narcissism. this pattern is so obvious but people refuse to acknowledge it and i cannot possibly believe that everyone is that oblivious. they must be at least somewhat self-aware
i just had this incredibly frustrating conversation about mission trips today with liberals and they immediately compared them to modern day imperialism and just thought we should all accept this stereotype and laugh it off? which is so atrociously generalized that it's pathetic?
this type of generalization from the opposing party (conservative, or just religious vs atheism) about another issue would lead to liberals exploding in offended responses. yet this is acceptable for their own rhetoric. i'm sick of it
i don't even know if this thread is remotely cohesive but thank God twitter is a way to just scream into the void i guess
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