Why #DojaCatIsOverParty is just a series of lies and allegations built off of no evidence, and why #WeAreSorryDoja
This thread will address the recent #DojaCatIsOverParty exposing it's lies and providing the truth (with evidence).
Basically, there was allegations that she was involved in racist activities on chat rooms and that she didn't like her black culture.
1) Here is someone who has actually been in a chat room with Doja multiple times saying she has never been racist.
2) Here are some allegations from some random on a forum claiming she cheated on her exes... but with no evidence? There have been many videos of Doja on the chat rooms rolling around and just being present but NONE of these crazy activities like "saying racial slurs"
3) More evidence that she hasn't said anything racist from multiple sources.
4) Even more https://twitter.com/dojobat/status/1264398843531190272?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
5) Another arguement people have brought up is that she doesn't like her skin colour and has been stripping on these sites. But where is the evidence of her hating her skin? That whole skin bleaching saga was debunked by lighting, and if she strips why does it matter?
6) Evidence from 2 & 5 comes from the site LipStickAlley which is known to be a breeding ground for actual racists
7) Another arguement is that although Doja didn't say anything racist she still was there with a bunch of white supremacists.... however, there is no evidence of this as the videos don't show any racism and this story only comes from random allegations...
8) Chat rooms also aren't anything new for Doja, she has been visiting them for a while to troll people like she does on Twitter and other applications...
9) About the soundcloud track "Dindu Nuffin", the song isn't targeted at the black community in the intention of being racist. The song is meant to mock the stereotypes presented for her community as she was living in The Bronx. The song doesn't mock inequality or brutality
10) Doja is not racist and has not said anything about her skin colour... these allegations have come with ZERO actual evidence of either these things and is likely the consequence of not showing her boobs real hard (considering they already leaked her address)
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