I feel like if it’s one thing we as West Indians should understand on this app is that we , as a collective CARICOM body , appreciate what other islands have to offer and that in no way is an indication that one would rather be/is jealous of any particular country.
So save the jealous/ would rather be talk for when non-caricom / West Indian countries try to draw out your country. We all grew up appreciating each other’s culture. It’s something we all love but still wouldn’t trade our individual Caribbean nationality for
And idk seems counter productive to want to constantly belittle someone for appreciating a cultural product your country puts out, because I mean in order for it to be an international wonder you kinda need for the international community to latch on as well.
Once it’s not an attempt at cultural appropriation, once its respectful just keep it pushing. No one needs the constant reminder (esp in the rude way)
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