Friends please use logic when dissecting the Trump Sessions issue. Keep in mind Sessions campaigned from very early on for them candidate Trump. Sessions was an early and trusted confidant for Trump.
It’s not by accident that Jeff Sessions ends up being the AG. This high of a position in the Federal Govt is not thrown around lightly. Trump doesn’t just say “Hey Jeff you did a good job campaigning what job you want?”
Trump had to know the Russia Hoax was going to follow him into the WH. He knew these people would not stop til they destroyed him. He knew they would eventually try to impeach him he was hated by the left. So why did he make Jeff Sessions the AG?
Trump is no dummy quite the opposite as we all know actually a genius. He would see the potential conflict for Sessions as a campaign advisor and surrogate and also a possible witness in the pending Russia investigation.
You don’t need a DOJ ethics team to tell you to recuse from a case involving possible foreign collusion with a campaign you just finished working for, it’s a conflict, period!
There is no way around this Sessions had to recuse otherwise he would shade the whole Russia investigation with conflict of interest. This would allow the left and MSM to smear both Trump and Sessions for working to cover up the investigation.
So if Sessions has to recuse and they need a Deputy AG to run the investigation and you want the left and MSM to trust that person who do you pick? Rod Rosenstien. What was Sessions senate confirmation vote compared to Rosenstiens’
If Trump was disappointed with Sessions why didn’t he fire him earlier instead of leaving him as AG for nearly two years. During that time Sessions performance was vast; Human trafficking, sex trafficking, drugs, MS13, building the wall, Horowitz, Huber, Durham etc
Jeff Sessions touched Everything but Russia third rail and because of that the deep state got set up and failed in there coup attempt of a sitting President of the United States 🇺🇸
@Inevitable_ET @LisaMei62
@realDonaldTrump @jeffsessions
For the poor saps who can’t see the through the tweet fog between Sessions and Trump you may not be salvageable. Why are two grown men of great prestige tweet fighting like two 12 year old girls creating drama. Oh did I say DRAMA who loves drama that we know who thrives off lies?
The MSM and the Left they eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner. What a serving they are getting from Trump and Sessions. Optics=Distancing and Separation
Here is a deeper picture of how detailed and involved Sessions and President Trump were within the DOJ to right the ship.
For push back that I’m going to get for this thread I implore all to review a timeline from the Trump campaign through to the recusal of Sessions and tell me there would be no conflict of interest for Jeff Sessions as AG during the Russia Investigation.
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