Alias, I have begun you.
[have seen some but not all so i started from the top!]
You know a show is good when you’re eight episodes into a five season show and you actually believe that they’re about to kill off the main character.
There is an episode in S1 (Q & A, ep 14) that is basically a recap of the season up to that point. Does anyone know why they did this? It feels like a re-intro to the show that must have aired to grow audience — I want to know whyyyyyyyyyy
Will and Francie watching a high speed car chase is the most LA thing I’ve ever seen on television.
2001 Sydney Bristow is rocking some chunky sleeveless turtleneck sweaters and cargo pants with big flappy back pockets and it’s pretty great.
We’ve reached the portion of our viewing where I don’t know everyone’s names yet so when a returning villain just showed up I GASPED and said BAD MAN out loud to my living room.
The GASPS this show is evoking from deep within my soul! Someone just put her hair behind her ear and it’s just like someone ELSE who puts their hair behind their ear and THE GASP! We don’t want them to be alike one of very, very bad!
I am obsessed with Alias now that I’m rewatching slash finally finishing it and this is the best thing I’ve ever seen.
This show may be the death of me.
I really don’t understand how I’m supposed to go to sleep or do work when there are 3 1/2 more seasons that are NOT about to watch themselves.
Me watching Alias:
Sydney got Francie Hollywood Bowl season tickets for her birthday. That’s — a VERY nice gift?
I don’t think I can handle three and a half more seasons of this will they / won’t they Vaughn and Sydney shit IT IS TOO MUCH FOR MY POOR LITTLE HEART
You can literally see his bald cap! This is BAD, guys.
Every time something EVIL is about to happen on Alias I hear Lisa Loeb’s STAY voice singing NO NO NO BAD and, if we’re being honest that’s probably all you need to know about me to know about me.
I love that Syd’s CIA handle is “mountaineer” because my high school mascot was the West Orange Mountaineers. True story.
Okay I’m sorry but [redacted] is missing for “almost two years” and [other redacted] has time to mourn, meet and marry again?! NOPE.
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