for the person who needs to hear this: you're not bothering anyone by changing interests. you're not being annoying by talking loudly about what you like. you're just being yourself, and having a good time with stuff you love. and that's ok. you don't have to apologize for that.
i know that sometimes people unfollow you or soft block you because you no longer share interests or don't see eye to eye on takes, but your friends will stick with you. and you can meet new people too! being yourself isn't a bad thing, and you shouldn't apologize for it.
i love seeing all of my mutuals be loud about what they love even if i don't get it, seeing my friends happy while engaging with their interests personally is super cool, i have mutuals that are just so genuinely passionate! your passion can be contagious too!
god knows how much stuff i've played or watched because i've seen a friend passionately post about it, make content for the fandom, or just generally spread it on my timeline! and it's cool! it's really cool! so don't ever be sorry for being yourself!!! be proud of what you like!
and i know it's hard. it's hard for me too. but try little by little, it's ok if sometimes it's too much and you don't want to be perceived. but you don't have to be sorry for just liking what you like. there's nothing wrong with it.
there's obviously fringe exceptions but i'll trust you to know what those are without me having to mention it in this thread! those fringe exceptions are just truly hateful and bigoted media, not something like danganronpa or homestuck y'know?
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