Shavua tov! Ready for some post-Shabbat baking pics? Here's my challah:
And here is the pizza I made for us grown-ups (the kids got a cheese pizza): shiitake mushrooms, fresh sage and oregano, and some gruyère left over from last week's french onion soup. My crust uses dried rosemary, even in the kids' version :-)
I was also excited to make ciabatta for the first time. It turned out so, so good. I actually had to call my sister to talk about it, because it brought back memories of how much my grandmother loved her European white breads. I wish I could have shared a loaf of this with her.
Throughout my childhood, any time we went to my grandparents for lunch there was a decent chance we would be served baguette with cheese or butter. She loved my challah, but she would have *glowed* if I had made her something like this. I miss them both so much.
I made buttermilk biscuits too, because I am an unstoppable baking machine.
We have SO MUCH buttermilk (or technically whey) in the fridge because we had a whole gallon of whole milk that was about to go bad, so naturally I had to make paneer with it.
I froze some, but there's still an awful lot left -- those biscuits used less than a cup, out of nearly a gallon! Methinks there are pancakes in our future.
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