saw this on the tl and looked through the account. before i get into this situation i want to point out another one of their tweets i saw saying something along the lines of "how is d*ja c*t racist, isn't she part black?" (you don't have to scroll far+
into the account to find this, but i will link them in this thread as well for easier access). anyway. a few people corrected her and she responded to one of them saying she didn't know that was something that existed. i want to+
bring this up because clearly this person is not very educated on many situations. it doesn't matter what race or ethnicity you are, anyone has the capability to be racist. that of course does not make it okay, but anyone can be racist. moving on.+
another thing that i'm not 100% sure, but i've come to the conclusion of- is that this person is not aware that people of the lgbtq+ community can be and are killed in many parts of the world just because of their sexuality.+
even in places like the united states, where i live, it is many times very unsafe to be open about your sexuality, even though the us has come to be a very tolerant and accepting country. (there is a very informative tik tok that explains+
the laws on this very well. you very likely have seen it, but i will try and link it in this thread if i can find it.) one more thing i wanted to bring up before i close this off. while looking through their account, i saw a tweet saying" what about straight pride?+
i'm not sure if this was a joke or not, as it is not very clear, but the point of lgbtq+ pride is to bring light to and support the people who are not straight. there is no such thing as "straight pride".+
this all being said, if op is reading this, i don't want to hate on you or bring you down for things you have said. i just want you to educate yourself before you say things such as this because it makes you appear very ignorant.
finally, i will add links to this thread as i get them.
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