A thread. 1️⃣
So, this is awkward. I’m probably talking out loud to no one right now, but I’ve gotta have an outlet somewhere and I’ll take it where I can. One of my biggest hobbies is #gaming. I’ve been into gaming since I got my first console when I was kid.
My first console was the Sega Genesis, or from where I was, it was called the Sega Mega Drive. I remember spending ages playing games that came with the console: Big Nose, Big Nose 2, Robin Hood etc. Those were some fun times. But after my family moved to anther city -
- I was shipped to another country for a year. In that time, I stopped gaming just because life wasn’t providing the opportunities to game. I did take what I could and played the occasional bootleg handheld Tetris or hopping on a friend’s computer for some Road Rash.
Anyway, after that year I moved back with my family to another country and wouldn’t get another console until the #playstation, which I got for getting some good grades I school. Being a smarty pants did have its benefits. The timelines all over the place but the gist is this
My brother and me played that PSOne until it died. Which was about 4 years. If my memory serves me right, the PSOne died on us around 2004 or 2005 and our parents never even considered getting us a PS2. Then in 2006, we moved again, this time to the USA.
This was a life changing experience and so everything else that wasn’t about getting acclimated to the US took a back seat. At this time, the #playstation3 was unveiled and I was starting to get the itch to game again. Alas, I was a high schooler with no money.
Fortunate for me though, Circuit City ( #throwback) was going out of business and I took that opportunity to convince my mother to get a PS3 that was on sale. She relented and the rest as they say was history.
The first game I got with the PS3 was #thps Proving Ground and WHILE I ADMIT IT WAS NOT THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD, it holds a special place in my heart for being the gateway game to my love and passion for gaming and gaming culture today.
This was 12 years ago, since then, I’ve invested time and money into gaming and have grown quite a big library and my fair share of opinions on the gaming world. In the 12 years since I entered gaming culture, I’ve been fortunate to follow the likes of @GameOverGreggy,
...AND SO MANY MORE. So, the question, I suppose you’re wondering is - why am I sharing this and why it this coming from a new Twitter account? Well, it’s a simple answer, really. While my love and passion for the gaming culture and community has grown, so has my awkwardness
...for sharing that with others. I come from a community that always used to think that gaming wasn’t as valuable to your time as reading a book or doing literally anything else and being in that mindset for so long, I’ve internalized that attitude for myself.
i.e. I have a fear of sharing my love for gaming with others because I’m worried about how I’ll be perceived. They’ll think of me as the stereotypical gamer and so on and so forth. I KNOW that most of this ise getting in my own head, but I’ve had no reason to break from it.
Until now. Thing is, I want to be able to share this hobby I love with others. I want to talk to people about their and my opinions on the latest games and I want to get as excited as I can along with you all about #TLOU2 and #GhostOfTsushima
So I decided I’ll start by opening a twitter account separate from my personal one to engage with this hobby I adore and want to continue to foster an my interest and hopefully break this awkward and (truthfully) shameful feeling I have identifying as a gamer.
Well, that’s my introduction. I’m terrible at conclusions so I’ll say this to end this thread - I hated GTAIV the first few times I played it. This was because the first time I played the game it was too dark. NOT THE STORY, but the screen was literally too dark...
...yeah, the brightness of my TV was set wayyyy down 🤦🏾‍♂️. After rectifying this setting, as of today, GTAIV is on my Top 5 favorite games of all time.

You can follow @boisterouschaos.
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