Autism & Vaccines (brace yourself)

I love the curious & creative thinkers, the patients who question everything, b/c answering these questions makes me a better educator

Instead of “kicking patients out” for presenting difficult questions, A common practice among doctors that I find cruel and arrogant... I instead embrace the questions

I use them as an opportunity to dig deeper, understand more and understand better.

I’ve had many of the same questions that my patients have had, why should I or why would I patronize a patient for thinking logically and asking questions?

In any case, these question have led me to the primary literature...

What I’ve found is that when it comes to autism, laypeople/patients would rather consider/blame a nebulous process or an extravagant idea rather than a much simpler explanation that may be hiding in plain sight

Patients rightly note that autism has skyrocketed in the last 50 years lockstep with vaccine use and so they ponder and worry about the association of these two data points, despite the retracted medical evidence.

I’ve also heard concerns of fluoridated water...

Now, I’m certainly not saying that obesity, diabetes or paternal age CAUSES autism. I’d like to point out that NOBODY considers these more obvious issues even when its staring at them in the face

These real issues are hiding in plain sight But “vaccines” are more attractive
If you are a physician and you get asked the hard questions about autism and vaccines... instead of “kicking a patient out” consider what they are asking, be empathetic and consider talking to them about some of these topics.

Just a thought.

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