Would "Safer at Home" people snap if we shared statistics of how many people die at home? How about bathroom accidents? Stairs? Accidental poisoning? Sudden heart attacks and other unexpected medical problems? Domestic incidents? Robberies? Tornadoes? Fires? Ran out of characters
3) If we were to pick apart risks one by one of staying at home, we would realize that staying at home is not free of risks.
In fact, there's no such thing as "safety".
There is only a varying degree of risk.
Life is risky.
But what is the cost of not living it?
4) What is the cost of not standing up for freedom?
How many lives have been lost to communism, despair, loss of purpose, joblessness, and heartbreak? These are serious risks that could affect generations for decades.
What are the true statistics of the virus' risk? Less than 1%
5) As we each determine the risks we are willing to take... and know our personal risk factors (vulnerable age group? immune system compromised?), we must CHOOSE which risks we confront, and which ones we avoid.
OUR choice. The statistics do not justify tyrannical measures!
6) To add to the comparably low risk factor for healthy persons, is the cloud of deception that has tainted every bit of "information" we receive, reducing it all to propaganda for a global agenda. Bad science, bad data, bad motives, bad people.
7) Effective treatments + High recovery rate = No justification for nullifying our Constitutional Rights, mandatory vaccines, putting people in chalk circles, or masking everyone.
Overtaken by communism via fear and stupidity?
NO, we will overcome this.
8) There are too many Americans with common sense.

I trust you.


In an unsafe world, we have the courage to live happily, freely.
God bless you.

/end thread/
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