I'm watching Rise of Skywalker for the first time, because I've put it off for too long. I'm coming in to this knowing that I won't like it. That I'll forever be mad at Abrams for what he did and that @rianjohnson makes the Star Wars that I want Star Wars to be.
Palpatine this early is a bad sign. Also I just learned his first name is "Sheev" – don't name your kids Sheev everybody.
Why do they have this many star destroyers? How did they make them? Where did they come from? How do you hide them all? And why would you... bury them in ice?
I'm glad we've never before heard of this hidden world of the Sith or of Sith wayfinders. Way to introduce this in the final act.
Rey you can't tell Leia things because she's dead (RIP Carrie Fisher) – the only thing we have footage of is you two passing back and forth this lightsaber so lets keep doing that.
Did Kylo just some tech from Planet of The Apes repair his mask? Kylo did you decapitate some random alien as an example of what you might do to a spy, if you could actually find such a spy? (Kylo are you the spy?)
Now they are at alien Coachella? Just one more example of sci-fi that has NEVER lived through a pandemic. They are all too close. Back off little pig-elephant creatures.
They only made two wayfinders? And they all knew this but gave up looking for them ... decades ago? Just because reasons?
Rey is a terrible shot with that blaster, she should consider using the force. Or I guess, whatever training Chewie took?
C-3PO is the dumbest creation, and his programming rules make no sense, and also this false sympathy we are supposed to have for the gang killing Chewie is not working for me.
(as if so much of this movie is working for me)
JK Zorii is working for me. Can we just have a movie about her?
PS this thread DOES have spoilers and uh Rey made sith lightning blow up a ship she thought Chewie was on, killing him, but he wasn't really on there, which we found out all of 10 seconds later.
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