The scenes from around Ontario today are horrifying.

In two weeks a lot of people are going to be sick and dying.

Many people alive today will be dead in a few weeks.

Because we gave people a false sense of security with reopening.
Hundreds of people will die because of this weekend.

Did our leaders decide hundreds of deaths was a sunk cost? Was that their calculation?
How will they explain that to loved ones of the dead?

Will they blame the dead? It was their fault?

Will that be Mayor Tory's defence?

Will that be Doug Ford's defence?
Will Mayor Tory blame the kids in Trinity Bellwoods today?

Will he say "the reason your loved one died is because of those stupid kids, it's not my fault".

Is that what he plans to do?
I suspect that won't be good enough.

If one of my loved ones dies because of an infection spread connected to today - which can happen several points removed - I won't be blaming those kids.

I'll be blaming Mayor Tory and Doug Ford.

That I can promise you.
This is about leadership.

You have to lead us.

They failed to lead. This is on them.

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