that 70s show as animal crossing villagers: a thread ✨
Eric Forman / Erik:

- same name
- sweaters
- actual babies
- clumsy
leo / harv:

- groovy, man
- definitely smokes weed
- chill af
- smoke me out
michael kelso / shep:

- shaggy boys
- a lil dumb
- cuties
- heart of gold
red forman / octavian:

- cranky
- will put his foot up ur ass
- very red
Kitty Forman / Marcie:

- Crackhead but sweet
- loves to cook
- carries her child everywhere
midge pinciotti / Tammy:

- blonde
- prominent makeup
- bad bitch
- tough but loving
bob pinciotti / curlos:

- hair
- eyebrows
- gets along with everyone
- groovy
steven hyde / gruff:

- super stoner
- sideburns
- cranky but will come around to love u dearly
fez / anchovy:

- always talking about candy
- lazy
- weirdo but means well
- kind of a crackhead
donna pinciotti / maggie:

- pretty average tbh
- ginger
- gets along with everyone
jackie burkhart / diana:

- snooty
- thinks she’s popular but isn’t
- loves makeup and gossiping
- very pastel
that concludes this thread unless i realize another connection later or forgot somebody thank u for joining me on this journey ✨
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