Pls tell me if you want to read these. Or doubt I'll write them.

* My burnout is back, but less scary. I know what is happening.

* Since arranging rape counselling this year, my guy dreams have taken a nice turn. Amazing. Even had a dream where Brad Pitt gently pursued me!
Bullet points: Burnout
I have support workers this time. They're helping me move house.
A friend congratulated me the second I admitted it this week - she knew I can manage it. Wow.

I know to rest often. Even nap during the day.

Now have meals delivered. Know why I need help.
Bullet points: Rape & PTSD counselling
Had zero idea what was entailed and how it could help.

hmm. Ok, I'm brain dead again. Hope to finish this thread later.

Either way - please vote!
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